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Про закон о запрете воспитания детей

2016.07.05 12:01:20

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Про закон о запрете воспитания детей

Патриаршая комиссия по вопросам семьи, защиты материнства и детства  выступила с  заявлением , в котором выразила глубокую обеспокоенность «в связи с недавним принятием законодателями новой редакции статьи 116 Уголовного кодекса Российской Федерации, которую в народе уже называют "Законом о запрете воспитания"».

«Если новая редакция статьи 116 Уголовного кодекса вступит в силу, это может привести к уголовному преследованию добросовестных родителей (с наложением наказания до двух лет лишения свободы) за любое, даже умеренное и разумное использование физических наказаний в воспитании детей. При этом, как следует из текста закона, посторонние люди за такие же действия в отношении ребенка уголовной ответственности нести не будут», — отмечается в заявлении Патриаршей комиссии.

Комиссия считает, что данная норма  «не имеет нравственных оправданий и юридических оснований, по своему содержанию направлена против семьи и принятого в российской культуре понимания прав родителей, дискриминационна, противоречит основным принципам здравой государственной семейной политики и не учитывает традиционные семейные и нравственные ценности российского общества» , а ее практическое применение «принесет обществу и его нравственной жизни значительно больше вреда, чем пользы».

Не вызывает никаких сомнений, что дети должны быть защищены от действительно преступных действий, кем бы они не совершались, особенно когда речь идет о преступном насилии. Однако нет никаких реальных оснований для того, чтобы приравнивать к таким преступным посягательствам разумное и умеренное применение любящими родителями в воспитании ребенка физических наказаний.

В российском обществе уже несколько веков идут педагогические дискуссии, в которых выражаются различные мнения в отношении оправданности и разумности использования таких воспитательных наказаний. Патриаршая комиссия убеждена, что, в опрос о выборе тех или иных методов воспитания детей, не причиняющих им какого-либо реального вреда, должен оставаться  предметом подобных дискуссий и свободных решений родителей, а не принудительного законодательного регулирования.

Уголовное преследование родителей за использование в воспитании детей тех или иных методов, не наносящих вреда их здоровью и развитию,  противоречит основополагающим принципам российского уголовного права,  которые не допускают уголовного преследования за деяния, не сопряженные с какими-либо общественно опасными последствиями.

Патриаршая  к омиссия обращает особое внимание на то, что ни из Конституции Российской Федерации, ни из корректного толкования общепринятых норм международного права и международных договоров Российской Федерации  не следует необходимость законодательного запрета разумного и умеренного применения физических наказаний в семейном воспитании дете й [2] . Из них, тем более, не следует необходимость или желательность уголовного или любого иного преследования добросовестных родителей за их использование.

Православные христиане, разумеется, на практике могут иметь разные взгляды и убеждения по вопросам воспитания своих детей, желательности и допустимости использования в воспитании тех или иных подходов и методов, включая и средства семейной дисциплины. Однако не подлежит сомнению, что как  Священное Писание  (Прит. 22:15; 23:13-14; 29:15; Евр. 12:6-11 и др.), так и Священное Предание Православной Церкви рассматривает  возможность разумного и любовного использования физических наказаний в качестве неотъемлемой части установленных Самим Богом прав родителей.  Таким образом, попытки искусственного законодательного ограничения этого права родителей противоречат учению Православной Церкви.

По мнению Патриаршей комиссии, любые попытки искусственно сузить основополагающие права родителей под предлогом защиты неверно понимаемых прав детей  являются важной частью повсеместно наблюдаемых в современных обществах нападений на семью и связанные с нею традиционные духовные и нравственные ценности.  Эти нападения тесно связаны с радикальными антисемейными идеологиями, отрицающими саму богоданную природу человека и имеющими, с христианской точки зрения, откровенно сатанинский характер.

Но даже для тех, кто не разделяет такого суждения, должно быть вполне очевидна абсурдность предполагаемого новой редакцией статьи 116 Уголовного кодекса наказания (до двух лет лишения свободы), в случае его применения к добросовестным родителям за воспитательное воздействие на ребенка.  Ведь такое наказание будет явно избыточным и несоразмерным, нанесет самому ребенку тяжкий и непоправимый вред . Потеря родителей на долгое время — настоящая травма, уж явно более глубокая, чем шлепок пониже спины.

Ранее Патриаршая комиссия уже предлагала общему вниманию свою официальную позицию по данному вопросу, содержащую подробное изложение религиозных, правовых и социальных оснований, из которых она следует [3] .

В ней, в частности, указывается: «Патриаршая комиссия считает  неправильным и недопустимым подходом криминализацию нормального родительского поведения и уголовное преследование применения тех методов воспитания, которые, не нанося какого-либо реального ущерба обществу и самим детям при разумном использовании, применялись на протяжении многих поколений, считались и считаются до сих пор социально приемлемыми в российском обществе.  Запрет, а тем более уголовное преследование воспитательных физических наказаний, применяемых родителями в разумных пределах, включение их в понятия "жестокое обращение" или "насилие над детьми" представляется неоправданным и необоснованным искусственным ограничением богоданных прав родителей. Такое законодательное ограничение в целом не отвечает и верно понимаемым интересам детей».

Как законодатели, так и правоприменители имеют нравственную обязанность исходить в своих решениях и действиях из того, что родители действуют добросовестно и, принимая те или иные решения по вопросам воспитания, действуют, руководствуясь любовью и исходя из подлинных интересов своих детей, если иное не было надежно доказано судом.

Патриаршая комиссия выражает надежду , что  Президент  Российской Федерации  прислушается  к обеспокоенной общественности, возвышающей голос в защиту семьи,  и не подпишет  предложенную новым законом редакцию 116 статьи Уголовного кодекса РФ.

Патриаршая комиссия настоятельно просит всех законодателей, представителей государственной власти, общественных организаций, неравнодушных к защите и будущему российской семьи и нашего Отечества,  предпринимать все  возможные в рамках действующего законодательства  шаги с целью исключить из российского законодательства любую возможность уголовного или иного преследования родителей за разумное и умеренное использование физических наказаний в воспитании детей, не причиняющее вреда их здоровью.



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honurdJen 2017-12-17 19:56:22

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GreainlsJen 2017-10-29 06:11:12

Air Jordan is a famous company manufacturing shoes in collision with Nike. This company was established under the name of the famous basket ball player Michael Jordan. You will have the ability to to get these shoes either from a retail store near household or even can buy through Web based. These shoes are available in all price tags ranging from low cost of $55 and will move as much as the pricey range of $200.All although designs and commonly moved price range usually lie around price tag of $150. [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_972_1021/mike-williams]Mike Williams hoodie[/url] The biggest selling shoes of the year, may be certainly owned by the Shox. Such as when believe of comfortable basketball shoes, the first company which will come to mental performance is cheap real jordans. Because Nike Shoes is really a professional and high level branded products. Recently, these nike shox shoes have a reputation for creating high-quality and great perfermance shoes. [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_1472_1474/amari-cooper]Amari Cooper shirt[/url] Nike new air jordan shoes is often a farther art in shoe system. Dispite ite new technology, Nike shoes protect particular types and colors make themselves different. Nike shoes is sort of a painting. Pink, yellow, black or just purple can used cheap real jordans shoes. With mix up colors, it is a painting, in harmonized. appropriate mind Nike Mercurial Vapor which C Lo choose is passionate. [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_1406_1445/jordan-leggett]Jordan Leggett hoodie[/url] Though initially Nike was rifed with controversies and problems, it perservered plus in 1985, it's basketball star Michael Jordan lifted over the Nike name with really first popular "Air Jordan" shoe and apparel series. Many famous athletes teamed with Nike after that and pertaining to is historical background. [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_1223_1225/alan-branch]Alan Branch shirt[/url] Selection is a vital cheap authentic jordans instrument for being more productive with wellness and fitness quests. Should you be having trouble obtaining encouraged to workout, then try to get started with new stuff. Perhaps a new health and fitness center program most likely a new exercise or sport activity. If you'd rather what you are performing, be squandered anytime soon appear like function! [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_242_267/derek-anderson]Derek Anderson hoodie[/url] Getting in order to the aesthetic quality of your shoes. The fashion is established the pluses. To be serious for a moment, MBT sneakers don't really are like those Seinfeld shoes-Jimmy's affordable! What they do look like is a rocking seating. When standing upright by themselves, neither the toes nor the heels actually touch the putting surface. The soles are bowl-shaped so, as is true whether in sneaker form, boot form, dress form or sandal form. Yes, MBT footwear come in styles match every occasion. None of them pretty, founded. Nor are they cheap. And I'm not talking cheap retro jordans not-cheap. Prepare yourself, just fine. You ready? [url=https://www.cheaptshirts.football/sale_1900/washington-redskins]Washington Redskins hoodie[/url] The most special characteristic of the Nike air jordans line despite the fact that was their Nike Air technological new technology. This allowed for a style that brought added air into the one of the shoe, creating much better cushion for that foot for this wearer. All of the cheap real jordans had this engineering, but it became significantly much more visible in afterwards boundaries. In these styles a squeezable shoe 'pump' was invest into the tongue for the shoe. By pressing the pump a purchaser could adjust the firmness within the match within the shoe, adjusting this for personalized choice and optimum ease and luxury. .

MunymaiiJen 2017-10-23 12:58:40

Adidas may be the popular brand for NBA footwear. Its NBA shoes are being sported by various famous NBA star players throughout the NBA periods. And it still now pays care about Crazy 8 shoe the first signature shoe by Kobe Bryant. [url=https://www.cheapnflshirt.football/shirt_728_776/stephen-anderson]Stephen Anderson shirt[/url] Beside incredible Nike Air Max series and Nike Shox series, you furthermore find your favorite cheap authentic jordans, Nike Air Force one, Nike rift to choose your sport spirit and ideal and also your attitude toward sports. [url=https://www.cheapnflshirt.football/shirt_1223_1241/devin-mccourty]Devin McCourty hoodie[/url] On Might twentieth, 2010, the Portland Trail Blazers missing online game by 79 to eighty-eight. On the very same day, Reggie Miller left the NBA online game permanently using beloved Jordan footwear. Our planet certainly not absence of heroes who also suffered failures. There isn't any exception for NBA people today. There are quite most of excellent players in NBA that superior but by no means declare an Ultimate ring. Their story is stuffed with sorrow. But it do not influence enthusiasts adore it. [url=https://www.shopnfltshirts.com/shirt/183_200/jeremy-butler]Jeremy Butler shirt[/url] This specific well-liked model provides several specific quality boots for everyone generations my partner and i.e. for guys, ladies and youngsters. Also, it has presented an established some shoes or boots regarding gamers may typically be dressed in whilst arriving at the sports discipline. cheap authentic jordans is an incredible add-on to Nike boots and shoes loved designs. Due to the fact are so beautiful as well beautiful. A person's think virtually any pain with on the footwear or boots then at this point you should consider changing all those. As, now you must any a large amount of perfect choice that you my spouse and document.e. Jordans. These footwear accomplish not look wonderful but they are super simple wear since can rival other types waders. [url=https://www.cheapnflshirt.football/shirt_728_729/alfred-blue]Alfred Blue shirt[/url] In fact, he's hardened his heart even any more. Who is the best person to obtain his anger on? 1 person he blames finished anyone for his predicament--his mother. As his expensive $150 cheap real jordans struggle to remain within the lines on the track (Drill Sergent forces you to run more laps should touch the line), he thinks about all the ways he will likely make his mother pay for sending him to training. Now he's never going to school. Undoubtedly never wash another pan. He will sell not only marijuana, he'll almost certainly sell let it. As his mother sits 110 miles away thinking her son will "learn his lesson", Stanley conscientiously plans every "payback" he can think . [url=https://www.cheapnflshirt.football/shirt_427_457/jason-mccourty]Jason McCourty shirt[/url] The Dunk range was further expanded to Nike Dunks High, Nike Dunks Low and Nike Dunks Mid. The Nike Dunk Highs surely mouthful competence . and certainly eyeful to consider. In comparison to Dunk High Shoe line the Nike Dunks Low and also the Nike Dunks Mid range shoe have a street style but certainly with high performance quality. To be a real treat to women, Nike introduced an exclusive collection of shoes which looked absolutely sporty, trendy and inspiring. If you are a fashion lover and desire being with ultra look, then Nike shoes can fully stand up to your expectations. The designs look inspiring, yet they come with feasible rates where everyone is able to sizzle with dashing looks. [url=https://www.cheapnflshirt.football/shirt_1775_1805/jameis-winston]Jameis Winston hoodie[/url] Now there is cast your employee in the right role and set your expectations, the factor is in order to performance. Just how he actually achieving? .

BucanzelJen 2017-10-23 11:16:21

It is known to everyone that Nike is often a much known company however the support along with the fame cheap authentic jordans shoes got was more due towards the fan following of Nike jordan. His wearing these sneakers of his matches put a special lime light on the footwear. Then, the publicity was carried out by TV commercials and other mediums. These sports sneakers were became a rage upon these ought to be launched. From then up till now, there've come around five versions of cheap authentic jordans shoes. Your market beginning, there used staying the logo of a winged basketball used seem on the sneakers but probably the most up-to-date versions of Air Jordan come together with logo of your respective jumper along with a basket shot. And, the colorschemes of these sneakers has also included more colors than people who were initiated in is by using. 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[url=https://www.cndmusicfest.com/vernon-davis-c-1900_1956.html]Vernon Davis shirt[/url] The cheap retro jordans 13 is often a high quality sneaker features become used by many sportsmen and in particular those who play basketball. They also classified and worn as casual wear, fitted with a set of denim jeans. They are popular because they fall under Michael Jordans line of trainers and he was wearing the pair when he scored his first ever double three-peat. [url=https://www.cndmusicfest.com/geno-smith-c-1343_1369.html]Geno Smith shirt[/url] The box of Jordan Shoes is well-printed generating from good materials. And perhaps they are hard and will eventually not be formed easily and naturally. As for accessories, the cheap authentic jordans Retro is superior in terms of elasticity and softness everybody is making replicas are disappointing. [url=https://www.cndmusicfest.com/rj-shelton-c-1162_1204.html]R.J. 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That sets it apart from the other Jordan members from the Nike Air jordan brand label. This very professional looking basketball shoe is incredibly lightweight and presents a lot of support from your own natural movement perspective. Another aspect of this shoe is it has a toe construction. That is both layered and which boasts a forefoot support cover of which may be completely independent in addition. This special technique allows someone to you have to be agile when moving and does not restrict the foot flexibility and movement as okay.How To Differentiate Fake Nike Jordan Shoes [url=https://www.cndmusicfest.com/corey-clement-c-1530_1542.html]Corey Clement shirt[/url] There greater level of series of NIKE proper footwear. It includes AF1-shoes, New Balance Shoes, cheap retro jordans Shoes, Nike Air Max 90 Shoes, Nike Air Max Shoes, Nike Basketball Shoes, Nike Dunk SB Shoes, and Nike Shox Trainers. Each pair of NIKE shoes does have it's different components. Nike Basketball Shoes are very befitting playing basketball, if you are person who likes perform basketball, most effective for you your most suitable option. The Nike Shox Shoes puts comfort into play with super cushioning and a lively fit. A simple, one piece inner sleeve upper offers an energetic fit whilst the perforated synthetic frame locks the foot to the midsole for enhanced trustworthiness. But they have one thing in common: escalating to provide comfort with your feet. .

MareniJen 2017-10-18 06:21:31

Air Jordan 1 (I) - Black Royal Blue that combines a full leather upper with a tough but ductile rubber chief. Features the "winged" Jordan logo on their own heel which has a full swoosh that is draped around the outer side for enhanced styling. On the internet multiple fakes of this shoe and various other shoe brands made models where fashion see associated with money similarities with Air Jordan 1 (I) - Black Royal Yellowish. [url=http://www.stoerekleertjes.nu/category/ugg-st-vler-tilbud/]http://www.stoerekleertjes.nu/category/ugg-st-vler-tilbud/[/url] After that period, great improvements afflict the basketball shoes, like seems in order to a natural thing. This time, Nike Dunks adopt leather as his or her material simply because tends end up being more steady and are able to offer unique amortizing laying so that the wearers comfortable when they run or bounce. Nowadays, the special high-toped design which is fashioned by Nike Dunks gets grate favor in other basketball shoes. Bedsides, the canvas styles is again popular together different retro clues. [url=http://www.frisseklik.nu/category/ugg-st-vler-tilbud/]ugg st vler tilbud[/url] As one of the best shoes in sports world, Nike is understood of its basketball shoes, especially for NBA. After years' development, Nike has great advantage in its NBA Shoes, and brings about be hot crazy about all during the world. Is actually also easy to obtain this from Kobe Bryant Shoes. [url=http://www.tangensbyggkakel.nu/arkiver/category/canada-goose-outlet]http://www.tangensbyggkakel.nu/arkiver/category/canada-goose-outlet[/url] Probably an individual facing this question, you'll be baffled granted that there are a so instead a few brands, colors, and price skate shoes you can pick. You do not desire to select incorrect shoes, right? a person think you presently have skate shoes, confirm it again! It might possibly only normal shoes that are appear like skate jogging shoes. [url=http://www.goingecraft.nu/category/ugg-danmark/]http://www.goingecraft.nu/category/ugg-danmark/[/url] Lastly, if you end up planning to purchase your Air Jordans, make sure you are purchasing the right size fitting you perfectly to avoid injury while playing. This is something that some possess an overlook and end up buying a size with regard to either very tight or much looser than the capacity of the foot which causes severe lumbar pain and ankle injury.You Won't Regret Buying Nike Shoes [url=http://www.traningsbloggen.nu/category/parajumpers-jakke/]http://www.traningsbloggen.nu/category/parajumpers-jakke/[/url] Start out with thirty minutes exercise routine time, and attempt to shave off of a despite the fact. Performing the same amount function in three moments even less cheap authentic jordans will let you strike your regular workout into great products. If you have become familiar with an occasion reduce, attempt shortening it to profit by a faster-paced program. [url=http://www.alvesta-trafikskola.nu/category/canada-goose-vest/]canada goose vest[/url] When we look back the NBA history, we would find associated with money classic moment occurred at basketball. At exactly the same time, the NBA players shoes struck into our mind for some time time. Because that associated with cheap authentic jordans XIV, we remember it still now all of us call back Jordans last shot. In order to hard along with qualified that as we are felling good concerning this shoe a new consequence of the successful shot that Jordan did before the final of that court, or we remind Jordans shoe because of these last shot. But obviously, due to that particular exciting score we were clear memory of that pair of shoes. . http://www.jensenaxel.com/ http://www.lammgruppen.se/ http://www.maskinek.nu/ http://www.srpskadijaspora.info/ http://www.kryogas.rs/ http://www.pixel.maxiplakat.com/ http://www.interaktivpadlo.com/ http://www.pwcspics.se/ http://100.rs/ http://www.mebel.rs/

ZakensJen 2017-10-14 12:03:53

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EoezemeJen 2017-10-14 11:52:30

Check the soles of one's cheap real jordans for areas you ought to pre-scrub. If there are stains, or ground-in dirt, then use a toothbrush and gently scrub until many it is removed. If necessary, put a little liquid dishwasher detergent with a bristles on the toothbrush.Remove the shoelaces and lift the tongue on the Nikes to expose as a great deal of the inside as imaginable.Place the air jodan shoes, bottoms up, on the bottom rack of one's dishwasher. Squeeze shoes several inches in addition to. Add the dishwasher detergent to the machine. This is strictly the form of absurd and insane behavior which will be the direct resulting the sin of consumerism. They're Air Jordans, for crying aloud. The cheap retro jordans XI Concord! We have to make them! Now! The shoe that made basketball shoes what subjected to testing today. Directory submission Jordan arrived in black and red, and was actually banned by the NBA-which only made them grow in popularity. Michael jordan was fined for wearing them, but he merely paid the fine everyone game and continued to use them. Eventually, the NBA dropped the rule. This footwear were simple, but they changed basketball shoes quite some time. The legendary status of the Air Jordan Is is unmatched and possibly will do not be. The phenomenon that is Michael Jordan really shot to popularity with these footwear. Not to say Jordan couldn't have been Jordan with out a set of Nikes, but to create his iconic status he needed fresh footwear in order to it specific next standard. Nike put together not only a good shoe, but a fantastic marketing plan that Jordan took flight with. Nike Air jordan is properly known sneakers brand are usually said always be sports shoes in their roots but have set the fashion trends as certainly. No one can be oblivious from your brand Nike. Nike nike jordan is solution of Nike. Try them out -- although exact same try them out on the store should walk or run within them a bit in the shop. Check to view how comfortable they are during this activity. Nike Zoom Kobe 1 is one of several Uptempo Series under Nike. As everyone knows, Uptempo series NBA shoes are specially for that fast enthusiasts. The lightweight could be the mainly feature in the shoe design which could offer more power for your players' accuracy. Chose your socks well - when in order to trying on new shoes make sure you wear the same type of sock that would wear with you athletic comfortable shoes. This is important because you will get a better sense of the comfort and ease with socks on. . http://www.samuiswedenvillage.se/ http://www.fyrstadsmarkisen.se/ http://stenfast.se/ http://www.autoline.rs/ http://www.bittan.se/ http://ekegamlaskola.se/ http://www.ms-team.org/ http://www.oasproduction.com/ http://www.letastuga.se/ http://www.helgeredsror.se/

LeioswJen 2017-10-12 05:59:30

Foot wears are crucial in our life because don't just keep our feet safe but bring eminence and grace to our overall personality. While talking about quality waders, you are overlook Nike shoes which can recognized internationally. It is a famous brand which gives huge diversity of booties. Nike has brought out a most stylish number of shoes which can famous as Nike's Nike air jordans. It is a well-known name which is liked by most of the people. [url=http://www.bjornstjerna.nu]http://www.bjornstjerna.nu[/url] Yet, Nike has reached its goal in basketball areas. From cheap real jordans, more and more youngers have changed their mind to Nike NBA trainers. With the end of Jordan time, Nike has found its new spokesperson - Kobe to his unique shoes - Nike Kobe VI grouping. Kobe is method basketball players during NBA season. Today the support to Kobe is upper than ever, it is great moment pick Kobe to acquire its singing voice. [url=http://www.mib.nu]Parajumpers Jakke Salg,Parajumper Long Bear,Parajumper Oslo[/url] Michael Jordan is arguably the best basketball player ever perform the computer game. Surely Bill Russell had much more championship rings under his name, Wilt Chamberlain scored more points in sport and Julius Erving took the game to the air before Jordan ever worked as kitchen staff. But air jordans is on a league of his quite. [url=http://www.avskaffa1maj.nu]http://www.avskaffa1maj.nu[/url] Due to your expanding market of NBA related items, more sports goods companies have got involved into this line of business. They are willing to name their shoes after NBA super stars like Jordan. Among the big market of NBA shoes, the series of cheap real jordans will be one of the welcome and pursuit shoes. [url=http://www.bjornstjerna.nu]http://www.bjornstjerna.nu[/url] You in a position to see the swoosh around the with the and retro ones. These are the only Jordans that features the swoosh. Also, care for 2 - 8's have got one more than an insole also. If you find Nike swoosh's on cheap real jordans as apposed to those shoes, then it is advisable to be be warned. [url=http://www.plazera.nu]Moncler Vest,Moncler Udsalg,Moncler Outlet DK[/url] The Jordan 6 Rings certainly had it's a quarter-hour fame inside cool grey days. Released last September, the "Rings" was dropped in my grey colorway for the main time possibly. The leather upper was done up in cool grey with the midsole sporting a light graphite dyes. Don't forget on the fuzzy tongue Jumpman logo design. It, along that isn't laces are a light graphite as fine. Finish the shoe off using a clear, icy outsole. But wait, we're not finished. The upper is designed of 3M material and glows inside of dark. Pretty cool huh? Well maybe that's the the elementary school kid coming in me. Still cool though, unless a person like Retros. [url=http://www.gavlebibliotek.nu]Moncler Jakke,Moncler København,Moncler Vest[/url] Though initially Nike was rifed with controversies and problems, it perservered together with in 1985, it's basketball star Michael Jordan lifted the Nike name with really first popular "Air Jordan" shoe and apparel series. Many famous athletes teamed track of Nike afterwards and discussions . is profile. . http://www.haljeboda.se/ http://2000com.nu/ http://www.skoterklubben.net/ http://www.ostermalmsekonomerna.se/ http://parentes.nu/ http://www.vasatandlakarna.se http://www.netbin.se http://jonassandberg.se/ http://melinarna.se/ http://www.reebokfitness.se/

MiendoJen 2017-10-12 05:59:12

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EmimiowdJen 2017-10-07 12:30:41

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EolisdJen 2017-09-22 13:45:20

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EdomdJen 2017-09-22 13:40:04

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Poarlesreida 2017-08-22 10:14:46

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Chmlesreida 2017-08-22 10:06:54

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lokesreida 2017-08-16 15:34:27

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